
VictoryTooltip renders a tooltip component with a set of default events. When VictoryTooltip is used as a label component for any Victory component that renders data, it will attach events to rendered data components that will activate the tooltip when hovered or focused. VictoryTooltip renders text as well as a configurable Flyout container.

note: When providing tooltips for VictoryLine or VictoryArea, it is necessary to use VictoryVoronoiContainer, as these components only render a single element for the entire dataset.


type: boolean

The active prop specifies whether the tooltip component should be displayed.


type: boolean

When true, tooltip events will set the active prop on both data and label elements.

default: activateData={false}


type: number

The angle prop specifies the angle to rotate the tooltip around its origin point.


type: { x: number, y: number }

The center prop determines the position of the center of the tooltip flyout. This prop should be given as an object that describes the desired x and y svg coordinates of the center of the tooltip. This prop is useful for positioning the flyout of a tooltip independent from the pointer. When VictoryTooltip is used with VictoryVoronoiContainer, the center prop is what enables the mouseFollowTooltips option. When this prop is set, non-zero pointerLength values will no longer be respected.


type: { x: number || function, y: number || function }

The centerOffset prop determines the position of the center of the tooltip flyout in relation to the flyout pointer. This prop should be given as an object of x and y, where each is either a numeric offset value or a function that returns a numeric value. When this prop is set, non-zero pointerLength values will no longer be respected.


type: boolean

The constrainToVisibleArea prop determines whether to coerce tooltips so that they fit within the visible area of the chart. When this prop is set to true, tooltip pointers will still point to the correct data point, but the center of the tooltip will be shifted to fit within the overall width and height of the svg Victory renders.


type: number || function

The cornerRadius prop determines the corner radius of the flyout container. This prop may be given as a positive number or a function of datum.


type: array[object]

Victory components can pass a data prop to their label component. This can be useful in custom components that need to make use of the entire dataset.


type: object

Victory components can pass a datum prop to their label component. This can be used to calculate functional styles, and determine text.


type: number || function

The dx prop defines a horizontal shift from the x coordinate.


type: number || function

The dy prop defines a vertical shift from the y coordinate.


type: object

The events prop attaches arbitrary event handlers to the label component. This prop should be given as an object of event names and corresponding event handlers. When events are provided via Victory's event system, event handlers will be called with the event, the props of the component it is attached to, and an eventKey.

examples: events={{onClick: (evt) => alert("x: " + evt.clientX)}}


type: element

The flyoutComponent prop takes a component instance which will be used to create the flyout path for each tooltip. The new element created from the passed flyoutComponent will be supplied with the following properties: x, y, dx, dy, index, datum, cornerRadius, pointerLength, pointerWidth, width, height, orientation, style, and events. Any of these props may be overridden by passing in props to the supplied component, or modified or ignored within the custom component itself. If flyoutComponent is omitted, a default Flyout component will be created with props described above.

examples: flyoutComponent={<Flyout x={50} y={50}/>}, flyoutComponent={<MyCustomFlyout/>}

default: <Flyout/>


type: number || function

The flyoutHeight prop defines the height of the tooltip flyout. This prop may be given as a positive number or a function of datum. If this prop is not set, flyoutHeight will be determined based on an approximate text size calculated from the text and style props provided to VictoryTooltip.


type: number || function || { top: number, bottom: number, left: number, right: number }

The flyoutPadding prop may be used to adjust the spacing between the tooltip label and the edges of the flyout outline. This prop may be given as a single number, an object with values for "top", "bottom", "left" and "right", or as a function that returns one of these.

default (provided by default theme): flyoutPadding={5}


type: object

The style prop applies SVG style properties to the rendered flyout container. These props will be passed to the flyoutComponent.


type: number || function

The flyoutWidth prop defines the width of the tooltip flyout. This prop may be given as a positive number or a function of datum. If this prop is not set, flyoutWidth will be determined based on an approximate text size calculated from the text and style props provided to VictoryTooltip.


type: element

The groupComponent prop takes a component instance which will be used to create group elements for use within container elements. This prop defaults to a <g> tag.

default: groupComponent={<g/>}


type: number

This prop refers to the height of the svg that VictoryLabel is rendered within. This prop is passed from parents of VictoryLabel, and should not be set manually. In versions before ^33.0.0 this prop referred to the height of the tooltip flyout. Please use flyoutHeight instead


type: boolean

The horizontal prop determines whether to plot the flyouts to the left / right of the (x, y) coordinate rather than top / bottom. This is useful when an orientation prop is not provided, and data will determine the default orientation. i.e. negative values result in a left orientation and positive values will result in a right orientation by default.


type: number || string

The index prop represents the index of the datum in the data array.


type: element

The labelComponent prop takes a component instance which will be used to render each tooltip label. The new element created from the passed labelComponent will be supplied with the following properties: x, y, index, datum, verticalAnchor, textAnchor, style, text, and events. Any of these props may be overridden by passing in props to the supplied component, or modified or ignored within the custom component itself. If labelComponent is omitted, a new VictoryLabel will be created with the props described above.

examples: labelComponent={<VictoryLabel dy={20}/>}, labelComponent={<MyCustomLabel/>}

default: <VictoryLabel/>


type: function || "top" || "bottom" || "left" || "right"

The orientation prop determines which side of the (x, y) coordinate the tooltip should be rendered on. This prop can be given as "top", "bottom", "left", "right", or as a function of datum that returns one of these values. If this prop is not provided it will be determined from the sign of the datum, and the value of the horizontal prop.


type: number || function

The pointerLength prop determines the length of the triangular pointer extending from the flyout. This prop may be given as a positive number or a function of datum.

note: When center, centerOffset or constrainToVisibleArea props are used, non-zero pointerLength values are not guaranteed.


type: "top", "bottom", "left", "right" || function

This prop determines which side of the tooltip flyout the pointer should originate on. When this prop is not set, it will be determined based on the overall orientation of the flyout in relation to its data point, and any center or centerOffset values.


type: number || function

The pointerWidth prop determines the width of the base of the triangular pointer extending from the flyout. This prop may be given as a positive number or a function of datum.


type: boolean

When renderInPortal is true, rendered tooltips will be wrapped in VictoryPortal and rendered within the Portal element within VictoryContainer. Note: This prop should be set to false when using a custom container element.

default: renderInPortal={true}


type: object

The style prop applies SVG style properties to the rendered <text> element.


type: string || number || function || array[string || number]

The text prop defines the text VictoryTooltip will render. The text prop may be given as a string, number, or function of datum. When VictoryLabel is used as the labelComponent, strings may include newline characters, which VictoryLabel will split in to separate <tspan/> elements.


type: number

This prop refers to the width of the svg that VictoryLabel is rendered within. This prop is passed from parents of VictoryLabel, and should not be set manually. In versions before ^33.0.0 this prop referred to the width of the tooltip flyout. Please use flyoutWidth instead


type: number

The x prop defines the x coordinate to use as a basis for positioning the tooltip element.


type: number

The y prop defines the y coordinate to use as a basis for positioning the tooltip element.